

September 2024
Utrecht Workshop in Social and Political Philosophy
University of Utrecht,
Ethics Institute, Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies.

September 2024
2024 Ethical Dating Online Workshop
University of Leeds,
School of Philosophy, Religion and the History of Science.

October 2024
Workshop for my book manuscript Just Sex (under formal consideration by Oxford University Press).
Speakers: Debra Satz (Stanford University), Elizabeth Anderson (University of Michigan), Emily McTernan (UCL), and Zeynep Pamuk (Oxford).
University of Oxford, Nuffield College and
Department of Politics and International Relations.

November 2024
The LSE Choice Group,
London School of Economics
Department of Philosophy, Logic, and Scientific Method.

Selected past events


UCL symposium on Niko Kolodny’s The Pecking Order: Social Hierarchy as a Philosophical Problem (Harvard University Press, 2023) – invited comments

University College London,
Faculty of Laws.

‘Sexual standing’
Ethics and Politics of Family and Reproduction Seminar Series, University of Basel.

‘The digital sexual sphere
– Center for the Study of Social Justice, University of Oxford
– Stockholm Early Career Workshop in Political Philosophy
– Politics Research seminar, DPIR University of Reading
– Department of Philosophy, University of Warwick
– Department of Political Economy, KCL
– The Political Philosophy of Attention workshop, LSE

International Conference on Manon Garcia’s
The Joy of Consent
(Harvard University Press, 2023) – invited comments.
Freie Universität Berlin


‘On competition in markets for sex and dating’
American Political Science Association annual meeting.

Invited comments and panel on sociologist Marie Bergström’s Kärlekens nya lagar
(Swedish translation of The New Laws of Love: Online Dating and the Privatization of Intimacy)
Musikaliska & Fri tanke förlag, Stockholm

Invited comments on Anna Closas’s “Securitization: A theory”
Berkeley-Stanford Political Theory Colloquium,
UC Berkeley,
Department of Politics.


‘The sexual bases of self-respect’
– Politics Department, Princeton University
– Political Theory Workshop, Stanford University
– Nuffield Political Theory Workshop, University of Oxford
– Legal and Political Theory Working Group, European Union Institute

‘Public justification, gender, and the family’
McCoy Family Center for Ethics in Society postdoctoral research workshop, Stanford University

Invited comments on T. M. Scanlon’s “Notes from an incomplete Rawlsian”
Kadish Center Workshop in Law, Philosophy, and Political Theory, UC Berkeley

‘Sexual risk-taking? Feminism and the Value of Choice’
– Political Theory Seminar, Uppsala University
– Princeton Graduate Conference in Political Theory, Princeton University
– UCLA/USC Graduate Conference in Philosophy, UCLA